27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Social Class in Online Gaming
...in the “freemium” economy, one’s expendable income really does determine whether one can join certain “Clash” clans, because many only accept members who have advanced to a level that can only be achieved through the in-app purchase of “gems.” On Twitch, income divides social communities into haves and have-nots who must constantly hustle for the former’s patronage. And in an AI-driven setting – as on social media – one can never be too sure where the fun stops and the ...Folksonomies: gaming economics game economics
Folksonomies: gaming economics game economics
We see this in collectible card and dice games as well.
20 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
IDIC - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
IDIC basically states that we should delight in the differences amongst people, not hate people because they are different. It seems that the human race has found a large number of ways to hate (different sex, color, religion, nationality, political party, social class, etc) and has emphasized hate over co-operation, caring, and compassion. The result has been a world torn by big and small wars, religious and philosophical differences, and alienation of one person from another.
This has take...A good overview of the Vulcan philosophy from Star Trek.
21 JUL 2013 by ideonexus
Studies Link Wealth to Unethical Behavior Pt II
Study 6. Study 6 extended these findings to actual cheating behavior. Participants played a “game of chance,” in which the computer presented them with one side of a six-sided die, ostensibly randomly, on five separate rolls. Participants were told that higher rolls would increase their chances of winning a cash prize and were asked to report their total score at the end of the game. In fact, die rolls were predetermined to sum up to 12. The extent to which participants reported a total ...Studies 6 and 7.
21 JUL 2013 by ideonexus
Studies Link Wealth to Unethical Behavior
Studies 1 and 2. Our first two studies were naturalistic field studies, and examined whether upper-class individuals behave more unethically than lower-class individuals while driving. In study 1, we investigated whether upper-class drivers were more likely to cut off other vehicles at a busy four-way intersection with stop signs on all sides. As vehicles are reliable indicators of a person's social rank and wealth (15), we used observers’ codes of vehicle status (make, age, and appearance)...Results of seven studies find the wealthy are more likely to cheat and break the law.
23 APR 2012 by ideonexus
Sitting Increases Chances of Cardiovascular Event
Methods: A population sample of 4,512 (1,945 men) Scottish Health Survey 2003 respondents (35 years) were followed up to 2007 for all-cause mortality and CVD events (fatal and nonfatal combined). Main exposures were interviewer-assessed screen time (<2 h/day; 2 to <4 h/day; and 4 h/day) and moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity.
Results: Two hundred fifteen CVD events and 325 any-cause deaths occurred during 19,364 follow-up person-years. The covariable (age, sex, ethnicity,...The longer you sit, the greater your chances of death.